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2019 GES | The GDPR Impact on the Modern Business World

The GDPR Impact on the Modern Business World: What Does this Really Mean for Privacy Protection? Day 2 - Morning Breakout Session 1 Session Description: This panel of privacy & compliance experts share the adjustments they have had to make within the company process and frameworks, the [...]

2019 GES | Partnering with HR to Engage the Employee Culture

Partnering with HR to Engage the Employee Culture Day 1 - Afternoon Career Connections | Session 2 Session Description: Despite each having significant influence on company culture, HR and E&C teams have paths to achieving their goals that historically diverge more so than they intersect. Commenting on [...]

2019 GES | Getting Tactical about Treatment

Getting Tactical about Treatment: Building an Effective Framework for Harassment Investigations Day 1 - Afternoon Breakout Session 2 Session Description: The channels through which employees report harassment significantly diverges from how all levels of misconduct are reported. For example, 66% of all misconduct is reported up to [...]