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Innovations in Sexual Harassment Prevention and Remediation: A People-First Approach

Webcast Recap | Innovations in Sexual Harassment Prevention and Remediation: A People-First Approach Ethisphere’s Erica Salmon Byrne, The World Banks’s Anti-Harassment Coordinator, Anne-Marie Burns, and Susan Divers, Senior Advisor at LRN discuss the latest approaches and innovations companies are taking around sexual harassment prevention and remediation. Always a challenge, the number of questions [...]

World’s Most Ethical Companies: A Guide to Applying in 2020

Webcast Recap | World’s Most Ethical Companies: A Guide to Applying in 2020 Replay this webcast, that featured changes to the 2020 Ethics Quotient® and World’s Most Ethical Companies® application process. Regardless of how long you have participated in the WMEC process, we encourage you to listen in. In addition to changes to [...]

Benchmarking Ethics & Compliance Programs Across an Enterprise

Webcast Recap | Benchmarking Ethics & Compliance Programs Across an Enterprise Replay this webcast, that covered best practices for benchmarking an Ethics & Compliance program to meet international guidelines and evolving business requirements. In this discussion Ethisphere Experts covered: How to approach a robust program assessment aligned to guidance from the Department [...]

Part 3 of Our Insights Series: Maximizing the Effectiveness of Your Managers: Insights into the Practices of the 2019 World’s Most Ethical Companies®

Webcast Recap | Part 3 of Our Insights Series: Maximizing the Effectiveness of Your Managers: Insights into the Practices of the 2019 World’s Most Ethical Companies® Watch the replay of the third webcast in our Insights series of discussions covering data and trends from the 2019 World’s Most Ethical Companies®. In this webcast, [...]

Reducing Cybersecurity Risk: Cross-Functional Responsibility at the GC, CCO, and CISO Level

Webcast Recap | Reducing Cybersecurity Risk: Cross-Functional Responsibility at the GC, CCO, and CISO Level Companies increasingly realize that effective cybersecurity and the related protection of intellectual property, confidential information and trade secrets requires collaboration between IT/security, legal and compliance. Most companies have not effectively implemented cross-functional collaboration between these three departments. [...]

Part 2: Structuring and Resourcing Your Ethics and Compliance Program Effectively: Further Insights into the Practices of the 2019 World’s Most Ethical Companies

Webcast Recap | Part 2: Structuring and Resourcing Your Ethics and Compliance Program Effectively: Further Insights into the Practices of the 2019 World’s Most Ethical Companies Listen in on our second webcast of the Insights series of discussions covering data and trends from the 2019 World’s Most Ethical Companies®. Compliance professionals are often [...]

2019 GES | The GDPR Impact on the Modern Business World

The GDPR Impact on the Modern Business World: What Does this Really Mean for Privacy Protection? Day 2 - Morning Breakout Session 1 Session Description: This panel of privacy & compliance experts share the adjustments they have had to make within the company process and frameworks, the [...]