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BELA Roundtable | January 17, 2019 hosted by Parsons Corporation

BELA Roundtable Recap | January 17, 2019 | Hosted by Parsons Corporation Thank you to BELA member company Parsons Corporation for hosting the January 17, 2019 roundtable.  The conversation at this roundtable included the following presentations: Technology and Training, led Kim Urbanchuk, Chief Ethics and Compliance Counsel at Parsons Corporation Transaction Monitoring [...]

2019 GES | The Intelligence Behind Due Diligence: How are Innovations Shaping and Improving Risk Mitigation Across Worldwide Relationships

The Intelligence Behind Due Diligence: How are Innovations Shaping and Improving Risk Mitigation Across Worldwide Relationships Day 1 - Plenary Session 3 Session Description: Data automation and other industry-specific innovations are being rigorously pursued to improve the risk-based decision-making among companies with vast networks around the world. [...]

House of Representatives | Hearings on Artificial Intelligence

Game Changers: Artificial Intelligence Part I Witnesses for this hearing: Dr. Ian Buck, Ph.D. Vice President and General Manager, Accelerated Computing, NVIDIA Dr. Oren Etzioni, Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence Dr. Charles Isbell, Ph.D. Executive Associate Dean and Professor, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Amir [...]

Closing the Disclosure Gap

Webcast | Closing the Disclosure Gap Ethisphere, in partnership with informed360, hosted a webcast discussion of the important issues raised by “Closing the Disclosure ‘Gap'”. As the saying goes, “timing is everything.” And for conflicts of interest (including potential conflicts of interest), timing is not only everything, it’s the most important thing. [...]