2019 South Asia Ethics Summit

Sessions 1 and 2

PANEL 1 | POSH, Curtailing Harassment, and Progressing the Company’s Culture of Respect: This panel features insights from Infosys, Boeing, GE and Hindustan Coca-Cola. During this session, Ethisphere EVP and Chair of BELA shared insights from the 2019 BELA South Asia Best Practices in PoSH report.

PANEL 2 | Social Media and the Emerging Intrusions on Company Compliance Across India: During this session, leaders from EY, Medtronic, Nvidia and Pfizer took a closer look at trends across social media.

Session Description:

The following sessions explores best practices in the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act (PoSH) and how leaders companies are responding to risks and common challenges.

Whether you are looking to further align with the BELA South Asia community or understand how our data-backed assessments and analysis can help you to measure specific
attributes of your programs, we strive to be a complete business partner with companies who value continuous improvement in everything that they do.

Session Description

Following the PoSH panel, leaders from EY, Nvidia, Medtronic and Pfizer came together to discuss social media's impact on company compliance across India. While there are many risks that exist, companies are working to develop policies and iniatives to help educate and train employees on using social media.

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