Board Partnerships that Work
This video recaps a panel discussion explores the inner workings of a partnership that has a critical role to play in making sure compliance, ethics, and culture are core focuses of the company at any level.
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This video recaps a panel discussion explores the inner workings of a partnership that has a critical role to play in making sure compliance, ethics, and culture are core focuses of the company at any level.
This video recaps a panel conversation that covered the FCPA and other anti-bribery laws, with a focus on recent FCPA enforcement trends.
This video recaps a panel conversation by leaders in integration and connectivity of global team structure, accountability, and the challenges of aligning objectives across diverse risks in multiple global markets.
This video recaps a panel conversation from seasoned General Counsels as they share lessons they've learned, view of the function in the current risk and business environment, responsibility for culture, organizational ambasssadorship, and more.
This video recaps a panel of chief executives and board leaders sharing views on social change, trust, and driving purpose and values as the pinnacle of influence over corporate direction.
This video recaps a panel discussion on "speak up" culture, and how it is one that relies increasingly on a coordinated effort of all involved and the clarity and consistency of the process.
This video recaps a panel focusing on navigating complex legal and ethical issues, better management of internal investigations, interaction with government, addressing sensitive inquiries, and traversing the complexities of global investigations.
This video recaps a panel discussion featuring Jonathan Haidt, a Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership from the NYU Stern School of Business.
This video recaps a panel conversation featuring leaders tasked with compliance-level reporting to committees like audit and enterprise risk management.
A discussion on the tools used to implement and track continuous improvement including action plans, root cause analysis, and monitoring.