Company Reputation amid COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter: Data from The Harris Poll
Harris shares their data on corporate reputation
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Harris shares their data on corporate reputation
Highlights from the 2020 WME insights reports.
Presentation from Microsoft on data analytics and technology beyond KPIs.
Discussions on issues related to re-creating the ethics and compliance proposition in light of COVID-19.
Discussions on DOJ guidance, key risk indicators, and behavioral ethics & compliance.
Panel shared how the pandemic has influenced corporate integrity efforts.
Recap of discussions on leverage core values and crisis management.
Panel shared practical steps they have taken to build out their liaisons programs
This virtual BELA Asia Pacific roundtable, hosted by Bayer discussed data privacy, supplier integrity, compliance programs and global trade challenges in light of COVID-19
Recap of discussions on building an integrity culture, measuring culture, and novel training and communications practices.